Altri News
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The fact that our planet is warming up has forced nations and organisations to take measures to stop this phenomenon from escalating and generating even more extreme weather events, devastating the communities in which they occur.
Sustainability is already one of the most significant factors of competitiveness in the majority of markets.
Our industry has, throughout the decades, been faced with challenges which force companies to reinvent themselves. The evolution of the sector and its ability to remain profitable have been determined by how we use energy. This has been the key to its success. Now we are being called upon to deal with global challenges whose impacts reach beyond our sector. What role might we play? And how does this relate to the energy that moves us?
A empresa reforçará a sua colaboração com os parceiros locais que adotem as melhores práticas de gestão florestal, promovendo a criação de emprego e impulsionando o aumento da produtividade florestal atual na Galiza, bem como o desenvolvimento económico e social das comunidades.
Published in on 23 Jan 2025
As receitas totais do Grupo Altri atingiram, nos primeiros nove meses do ano, cerca de 669,7 milhões de euros, um aumento de 11,4% face aos três primeiros trimestres de 2023.
Published in on 21 Nov 2024
Sustainalytics atribuiu uma classificação de 11,9 pontos, a melhor apresentada pelas 63 empresas do setor da Pasta e Papel avaliadas.
Published in on 13 Oct 2024
Lucros alcançaram os 62 milhões de euros nos primeiros seis meses do ano, período em que o EBITDA ascendeu a 124 milhões. As vendas cresceram num contexto de preços mais elevados.
Published in on 24 Jul 2024
O aumento das vendas permitiu compensar a comparação ainda desfavorável em termos de preços. As receitas totais atingiram os 222,7 milhões de euros no primeiro trimestre de 2024.
Published in on 22 May 2024
Grupo Altri conseguiu manter um elevado nível de produção nas suas três unidades em Portugal, a Biotek, a Caima e a Celbi, superando o milhão de toneladas de fibras celulósicas.
Published in on 21 Mar 2024
Daniela Gonçalves, Técnica Comercial Florestal na Altri Florestal, conta, na primeira pessoa, a experiência de participar na WTREX – Women’s Traditional Fire Training Exchange.
Published in on 14 Mar 2024
This machinery is the start of reducing our environmental footprint in forestry.c
How long have you been with Altri? I’ve been with Altri for 8 years, joining the company in June 2015. What does your day-to-day involve at the company? My daily routine involves overseeing the assignment of tasks to maintenance teams and assisting in defining priorities for the day’s work if needed. Afterward, we discuss the […]
How long have you been with Altri? I’ve been with Altri for 7 years, since September 2016. What does your day-to-day involve at the company? The days start with the daily kaizen meeting with the teams, where the plan for the main tasks of the day is outlined. Each day then evolves based on respective […]
How long have you been with Altri? I have been working at Altri for 9 years, since 2014. What does your day-to-day involve at the company? My daily routine involves monitoring and analyzing the most important procedural variables for the process, taking corrective action in case of any deviations, along with my team. Every day, […]