Caima completes operator training
17th April saw the completion of stage one of the third training course for Process Operators
17th April saw the completion of stage one of the third training course for Process Operators, which got underway at Caima in October of 2016. 15 youngsters picked from the factory’s neighbouring boroughs took part, all of them Year 12 school leavers.
The training programme consisted of around 400 hours of theory – in partnership with Fernave – on cross-cutting subjects such as Maths, Physics and Chemistry but also Portuguese and English and subjects in the fields of electricity, electronics and mechanics.
Around 140 hours of internal training on specific subjects relating to pulp manufacture, as well as environmental, safety and management systems, and also training in the area of conduct, with emphasis on teamwork, interpersonal relations and fist aid.
To complete stage one, the trainees had to perform for a while in all posts over the course of 10 weeks, amounting to around 400 hours of simulated practice.
All youngsters who successfully passed the course were brought into the teams of factory workers and are currently performing process operator duties.