Fighting fire using professionals
AFOCELCA is a consortium of the Altri groups and The Navigator Company. It is structured as a professional body, and its aim is to support the fight against forest fires on properties belonging to group companies, in careful coordination and cooperation with the Portuguese fire authority, the Autoridade Nacional de Protecção Civil – ANPC.
Since its formation in 2002, the AFOCELCA initiative has been a success in Portugal, both in terms of its results and the criteria and practices it implements, which have also been incorporated by the country’s institutions which form part of the national forest fire protection system.
Within this context, in the last few years AFOCELCA has been referred to as an organisation of good practices and as a model to be emulated in many aspects of forest fire prevention and fighting strategies.
Resources available for 2017
1 Operations Centre
4 Fire Protection Supervisors
1 Liaison Officer at the National Relief Operations Centre (CNOS)
18 District Relief Operations Centre (CDOS), with Liaison Officers
1 Lookout Tower as part of the RNPV network
30 Prevention and Surveillance Units (UPV)
3 Light Fire-Fighting Units (UCL)
21 Land Fire-Fighting Teams (ECT)
3 Helitack Teams (ECH)
3 Light Helicopters – CELCA
5 Bulldozer, primed
45 Employees of the consortium companies