Meeting business challenges head on
Climate change, structural demographic changes and a lack of resources are just some of the challenges facing Altri and all industry transversally and globally.
Climate change, structural demographic changes and a lack of resources are just some of the challenges facing Altri and all industry transversally and globally. Increased competition from other parts of the world is forcing companies to become more efficient and competitive. This pressure is more keenly felt in places which have higher production costs, such as Europe.
The paper pulp industry needs to produce more timber but without raising production costs. The raw material required is a scarce commodity and the legal restrictions on using eucalyptus trees in new areas of forest pose a great challenge to forest management. Given this backdrop, timber production can only be increased if improvements are made to the management and efficiency of forestry procedures. We long ago embarked on this path and we are still making improvements, for example by supporting the Better Eucalyptus initiative developed by CELPA.
We are enhancing the ecoefficiency of our procedures employed in timber harvesting, thereby enabling us to achieve a more sustainable circular economy. The recent purchase of the entire capital of EDP Bioeléctrica shows how determined we are to do this. The five biomass plants, with an installed capacity of over 100 MW, ensure that renewable energy can be sold to other operators and allow us to continue with our strategy of improving forest planning and clearing.
There is also much to do at our factory units. In terms of information technologies, we have also been consolidating, optimising, standardising, simplifying and automating processes and infrastructures. In this edition, you can read about how we are applying this strategic vision in order to rise to the challenges facing our business, without giving up our initiatives to help the communities we are a part of. It’s in our DNA.