Altri People
Aiming for zero accidents
The Safe Behaviour Project came at the right time at Celbi. In the last few years, the number of accidents had stabilised at a threshold that, although not bad, was not what the company wanted.
The Safe Behaviour Project came at the right time at Celbi. In the last few years, the number of accidents had stabilised at a threshold that, although not bad, was not what the company wanted.
Expanding your knowledge is important at any time of life. For many, taking up studies again as an adult entails much sacrifice and overcoming difficulties. It’s a necessary effort geared towards achieving intellectual growth, working and making a better life.
Today, for the vast majority of people, this phrase is virtually meaningless. Why? Because putting their seatbelt on has become a habit. Virtually everyone does it, without needing any instructions, suggestions or reminders.
Altri Florestal has decided to take education to the work front, by means of a mobile classroom housed in a customised van where participants are taught about best safety practices at work
É fácil medir o trabalho e avaliar os esforços realizados com as acções de formação dadas. O resultado é muito satisfatório.
Next October, the skills acquired will be recognised by the ACT {Authority for Working Conditions} and DGERT {Directorate-General for Employment and Labour Relations}. This recognition will allow for the employees of companies which supply services to Altri Florestal to become qualified.
17th April saw the completion of stage one of the third training course for Process Operators