“All holding hands with nature”

“All holding hands with nature”

The theme of this initiative was to show everyone who works in turning wood into paper pulp at Atri’s factories that the group takes great care over forest management and protecting the forest and biodiversity.

Altri Florestal invited employees from Altri’s three mills – Celbi, Celtejo and Caima – to attend a workshop held in Corgas and Cabeço Santo, properties which form part of the Altri universe.

Under the slogan “All holding hands with nature”, the main aim of the initiative was to bring together and educate the operational areas of those mills, which (directly or indirectly) share the same challenges of ensuring that forest management is founded on values and principles of environmental, economic and social responsibility. 

The initiative was designed and developed specifically for employees who generally don’t have any direct contact with the work performed by Altri in promoting and protecting the forest. As a result, Altri Florestal divided the workshop into three parts. It kicked off by explaining the impact of the forest fires in 2017, followed by showcasing Altri Florestal’s strategic development, and ended by setting out the group’s management and biodiversity strategy.


  1. The impacts and challenges facing Altri Florestal in restoring the areas affected by the great fires of 2017;
  2. Operation of Altri Florestal and Altri Abastecimento de Madeira within the forest production market;
  3. Dissemination of forest extension work to promote good forest management practices aimed at increasing the productivity of the eucalyptus forest – Better Eucalyptus Project (Celpa initiative).


    1. Status of productivity improvement;
    2. Land expansion;
    3. Medium-term self-sufficiency goals.


      1. Disseminating Altri Florestal’s work in promoting and improving the natural values of its land assets;
      2. Sharing efforts to restore habitats and species in partnership with environmental protection organisations.